Asus has launched its latest flagship phone series ROG 5 in India. Priced at Rs 49,999 onwards, it comes in three variants -- ROG 5, ROG 5 Pro and ROG 5 Ultimate. The ROG 5 smartphone series succeeds the company's ROG 3 phones launched last year. There’s no ROG 4, as 4 is considered to be an unlucky number in Taiwan. The ROG 5 series boasts of some of the top-of-the-line specs. Specs wise, ROG 5 Ultimate is the most powerful Android smartphone in India right now. It boasts of 18GB RAM, runs on Qualcomm’s fastest processor right now Snapdragon 888 and more. Here’s a look at all the specs and more.
ROG Phone 5 series price starts at Rs 49,999
ROG Phone 5 (8GB+128GB) is priced at Rs 49,999 while its 12GB+256GB variant at Rs 57,999. Asus ROG Phone 5 Pro has only one model with 16GB RAM +512GB storage and is priced at Rs 69,999. ROG Phone 5 Ultimate is priced at Rs 79,999 and offers 18GB RAM and 512GB storage
First smartphone to offer up to 18GB RAM
ROG Phone 5 Ultimate is the first and only smartphone available right now with 18GB LPDDR5 RAM in India. While, ROG Phone 5 Pro packs 16GB RAM. While the most affordable of the ROG 5 series, ROG Phone 5, comes in two RAM options -- 8GB and 12GB.
ROG Phone 5 is the first smartphone to launch in India with Qualcomm flagship processor Snapdragon 888 -- clocked at 2.84GHz.
Samsung’s S21 series too is powered by the same processor, however, the Indian variants of these smartphones run on the company’s own Exynos processor clocked at 2.9 GHz.
First smartphone to launch in India with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 chipset
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